A full on April and the women I'll follow
Yes, you’ve seen it right. The women I follow. To be a leader must also mean you need to be a follower. To be a woman creator is also to be a woman that is created and moulded through the incredible interactions and meetings and collabs with those around you. This is an edition dedicated to the month of April, working and being with two of the fiercest women I know.
April in a nutshell
We’re definitely on an Aries roll all throughout April. With a lot of planets planted in the courageous, but also aggressive sign of the ram, initiatives, ruptures, changes will set us on a different timezone for the entire month. Not to mention that it’s Eclipse Season (nothing is what it seems) and a fire Mercury Retrograde season, which will impact our mental space, communication, assertiveness and choices.
For me, April is always full of action on the business side of things, as the mighty Sun transits my house of social ascension, career and highest place in the world. This time is more like “ok, let’s take a breather” rather than “how do I fill my time”.
This year, the stellar conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus opening new cycles of growth, change, expansion will find me in the midst of 2 important events. Meet me in Barcelona and Lisbon, let’s connect on subjects like organisational culture, DEI, distributed teams and future of work.
Fair Barcelona - Beginnings Matter
First, it’s Fair Barcelona, April 18th, Barcelona. There, I will be supporting my dear friend and DEI expert Oana Iordachescu with my creative and communication expert side. This is the first edition of what seems to be THE DEI event of the spring in Europe. We’ve worked on this dream of hers since summer last year and I am proud to see how her vision has materialised in reality in just a few months, with an efficient team and a lot of heart from all of us. Beginnings Matter (that’s the theme of our first edition) will be hosted by one of my favourite places in Barcelona - Joan Miró Museum. Some tickets are still available on our website. Check the incredible line-up.
Only a couple of days after Fair Barcelona, I will be travelling to Lisbon for Running Remote 2024, the fastest growing conference and platform for remote & distributed teams and future of work. This is the premier conference for remote-first and hybrid teams. Every year, hundreds of companies from around the globe attend this three-day live event to discuss the latest strategies & learn from industry leaders on flexible work, company culture, scaling, transitioning, AI and more.
I will join as communication lead the incredible entrepreneur Ruxandra Cord (and coach, AI aficionada, mother) on her journey to the main stage of Running Remote and of distributed world of work. Follow us all along on theCoRD and on Ruxandra’s theCoRD Connection newsletter. This is going to be a unique experience for our team on the world stage of future of work.