Are you successful? For real?
Over the past years, with me leaving from advertising agencies and taking a more free-based, location-independent type of professional expression, bit by bit, the former ideals of career and reputation I had learnt, slowly dissolved.
Going from a 9 AM to 8-9 PM (that’s basically still the rule in so many agencies today), to a more flowy style of working, growing, living was not easy. The biggest obstacle to change? My mind!
Through family, school and society, we are inheriting programs of oppression and we are integrated into systems that hurt us. They are not built for us, but for our constant exploitation, while we keep saying to ourselves that constant work is good, that we deserve all.
As women, we hear that we can do it all, at the same time: compete with ourselves and among ourselves, compete with men, love, nurture, cook, build a home, make babies, dance, post on social media, perform in the gym and in bed, get that promotion and everything in between.
Success is now a fantasy so achievable, a commodity we need to have, but is it the success we need?
As I ponder over the meaning of the word, I do realise much of its significance (and influence over us) resides in the meaning we imprinted it with.
Work for that penthouse, hustle for the money, go on all exotic vacations, do it all, all, all. The cornucopia of information and choices we are living with at this moment is really forcing us to work ourselves to our death so that we can have it all.
There has never been a higher life expectancy than nowadays, yet we are living longer but sicker. Stress, mental health issues, cancer, anti-immune problems, fear of missing out failure.
Just to mention a few of the dark traits we are still encouraging with our participation to these systems.
When was the last time you thought about what success really means for you?
When we constantly achieve, we don’t live.
For me, overachieving and over-performing were slowly replaced by living my day in a more balanced way. Success is when I get to walk daily to the park and connect with nature. Success is seeing the world. Success is seeing my cat playing and really being there for her. Success is when I make the time to talk with my friends, finish astrology classes, sleep at noon and laugh, laugh, laugh. Success is every time I choose to let go and stop identifying myself with achievements as society says. Yet, I still experience them. Not all, not all at once. But at the right time and in the right pace. Success is the Romanian word called “tihna” = peace, calm, quiet. Success is the everyday choices we act consciously. Success is something that we define for ourselves as women leaders of the world.
The upcoming week is a much needed breath of fresh, lighter air, as with a New Moon in Taurus we slowly begin to create new fundamentals for success. For the next 6 months, abundance, money, time (yes, time is abundance), love, opportunity, maturity and self-respect, laughter, nature will be the focus commodities for a life well lived. Taurus is the symbol we need to come back to ourselves and to what we truly deserve to feel joyful. This New Moon in Taurus is nevertheless not short of surprise. It builds on the April 18th fortunate conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus, showing us tangible ways in which that meeting in the sky can actually become tangible in our lives.
It’s the perfect time to sit back and do an active meditation on how success has changed for you over time and how you would define it today. Be gentle with yourself. Be present. Be intentional. See what comes up and let yourself experience this for the next months. Life is always the flow, not the stones we walk over.
Until next week, welcome the flow within you.