Chapter 9 | Ready for it?
“And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.”
As I am writing these first words for #WAH in 2025, the year feels like it is still trying to begin somehow. The energy is sluggish, sometimes unclear and the next is still hidden from our sight. Nature mimicks it well. Days of fog mix in with days of cringy suns. Well, this is normal for a 2024 that has not really ended, right? Those of you reading me for sometimes already know this.
The transition between years is actually made in these weeks of January, February and March.
The first glimpse of the new clothes of 2025 will actually be seen around January 29th with the New Chinese Year (of the Wooden Snake) and subsequently around February 28th during Losar | New Tibetan Year. The climax of this beginning is, of course, for Western (and Northern) societies, the Spring Equinox coming March 20th together with its Eclipses.
So you see, there is never a fixed moment when we say goodbye to the past and welcome the new. It’s always a liminal space and time that allows us to shed, become lighter, get carried away or refocus.
These upcoming weeks are crucial for preparing for 2025, numerologic year of 9 and a Pisces destiny cycle in western astrology.
We navigate into the coming year, moving from the tangible and palpable toward more subtle energies. The energies around us, but especially those within us.
Health will be an important theme, but many of us might also turn to other methods than modern medicine, more towards holistic healing than treatments. During this period, we might encounter conditions we’ve never heard of or for which there is still no exact treatment.
We may begin to feel tendencies to sacrifice ourselves for others, to find mechanisms that explain why others do not function well and to attempt an illusory repair. But what lies behind these tendencies of ours? Do we genuinely want to contribute, or do we seek attention, hoping that we, too, can be seen, understood, and saved?
We might become more intuitive and find it easier to connect to the energies of others. This ability can help if we work in fields where it is a useful skill, but at the same time, if we are too empathetic, certain spaces may leave us feeling drained of energy. It’s crucial to discern between people, spaces, and experiences.
We are called to greater compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to leave behind suffering, judgments, traumas, and moments that may still weigh on us. Let us not grow rigid, but instead, accept that those moments and those people merely brought us face-to-face with our own blocks. Through them and because of them, we could no longer run from ourselves.
This is a cycle of Neptune. We might feel drawn to live experiences that are, in fact, utopian. It’s important to observe how we mentally manage imagination and practicality, clarity. What do you want to close and leave behind as you enter 2026? 2025 can be the year when we recognise how we’ve held onto situations, memories, people, or contexts that haven’t been ours for a long time. We can look back to see what decisions we’ve made throughout this cycle and how they’ve supported us. 2025 is the year we can count our blessings from the years before, starting in 2017. It is not a singular year but a nearly collective one.
We are likely to feel more vulnerable to disappointment or hurt. We might find ourselves dreaming more, both literally and metaphorically.
We can be open to experimenting with different methods of recreation that enhance our imagination, creativity, and aesthetic spirit. However, it is important not to channel these tendencies or openness toward addictive substances, of any kind, that could endanger our health or our anchoring in the daily, practical reality.
Let us dream, but let us distill and begin to work with and for our dreams. Let us believe, but let us also explain, even if only through the lens of our personal truth. Let us retreat when we feel the need, but stay connected to everything and everyone that is part of our lives.
Let us view troubles or obstacles with greater wisdom, even if it is difficult.
Let us identify our limiting beliefs and examine the programs or mantras guiding our lives. What is blocking us? What is influencing us? Where do these come from, and to which family members or close circles do we feel a misplaced loyalty? How well do we truly know our families? Secrets, hidden truths, unspoken words, or forgotten things might come to light during this cycle.
Sometimes, we may need to learn to detach from strict programs and endless daily to-do lists. We might allow others to take on tasks that we could have always delegated anyway. We can give ourselves the chance to disconnect, to create, to hope. To be less of an "organized robot" and more of a spirit filled with imagination and creativity. After all, isn’t this the essence of humanity? This year, we may see how the impossible becomes possible. A new idea born now might be precisely what we need to leave behind a job or a program that no longer benefits or constrains us. To-do lists shouldn’t live our lives; we should live them.
We will no longer seek perfection because we will always need to adapt to new states of being to overcome obstacles. But how can we understand what lies beyond us if we don’t let go of ourselves?
The tendency to see problems might grow stronger in those who resist spiritual experiences.
Perhaps we will overcome our tendency to hide and to conceal, driven by the need to be perfect.
Our faith might be tested through various ailments, people, or illusory relationships.
Judge less, detach from excessive rationality, or from the habit of finding flaws in everything. Where we are inflexible and too strict, we will be guided or compelled to reshape ourselves around others, other circumstances, or other concepts.
Some of us might feel the urge to break away from reality and retreat, to isolate. This is fine as long as we use the time to reconnect with our inner selves and understand what we must leave behind to begin a new cycle in 2026.
Perhaps we will find the support we need to stop suppressing our desires and intuition. Life is not just about what must be done, but also about what can be created.
In relationships, we may need to trust the other person more and stop being constantly suspicious. At the same time, imbalanced energy in this area might expose us to people or relationships marked by ambiguity, deceit, illusion, or chaos. Really bad relationships will break, for the 2 to seek their own fulfilment and healing within other paths.
We will learn to travel with our imagination, if not with our passport. We might understand those who are different, unseen, un-helped, or abandoned, and we will be asked to offer them a helping hand or a kind word. Giving and returning to faith are beautiful ways to balance this year’s energy in our personal destinies.
We find mental peace if we allow ourselves to believe we deserve it and that it can meet us. We can allow ourselves to believe we are supported by something greater than ourselves.
This year might seem slow at times or, at other moments, too fast. Opportunities and people might pass us by before we can recognise them.
Dreams will have a significant influence on our minds, but they may also be the path to healing our souls. Isolation and regeneration in retreats, monasteries, or quiet, inaccessible places can be of great help.
Let us cultivate an appreciation for art in all its forms in 2025.
2025 feels like an ending, perhaps of something started in 2017. Or maybe the end of a path, an identity we built and proposed for ourselves since then. But there is no ending without a new beginning, is there? So why not see endings as moments that make us freer, lighter, more flexible, and more open?
Gently, we lay down all that is no longer ours (or never was). It will feel easier to travel through the year with just our hand luggage.
In 2025, we cannot change anything about the past, and the future is still unclear beyond a few steps ahead. So we can pause to contemplate, evaluate, forgive ourselves, and let ourselves be. Like after a race where it doesn’t matter what place we’ve finished, only that we’ve surpassed ourselves.
That person who left painfully wasn’t truly yours or even their own. That job you left when you had no energy left wasn’t the place that served you well, anyway. We are not victims but creators of our own healing and evolution. Creators of our own suffering as well if we do not pay attention.
In 2025, everything we’ve lost in recent years becomes, in fact, a gain. Look back and see: would you still be who you are today without everything you’ve already lived?
2025 begins with many personal planets in retrograde, in a very tight row (Mars, then Venus, then Mercury). Not by accident. Because 2025 will feel like it’s pulling us back, throwing us toward ourselves more than ever, blocking external motion so we stop running from the movement within.
This year, past situations may repeat. People might return so that we can let go, integrate the lessons, and be content with where we’ve arrived, without them, but stronger.
If we were to describe 2025 in one word, it would be “purpose” or “meaning”, an invitation to live with intention and elevate every aspect of our lives.
Next week I will dive deeper into the Karmic Cycle we are stepping into starting January 12th, which will last for 1.5 years.
Until then, I am here to support, guide or just…see YOU.
With love,
Roxana #WomenAreHealing
photos: Edy Wiratama, Bali 2024.
by John O’Donohue
On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.
And when your eyes
Freeze behind
The grey window
And the ghost of loss
Gets into you,
May a flock of colours,
Indigo, red, green
And azure blue,
Come to awaken in you
A meadow of delight.
When the canvas frays
In the currach of thought
And a stain of ocean
Blackens beneath you,
May there come across the waters
A path of yellow moonlight
To bring you safely home.
May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.