Weeks to remember. With Love.
Have you ever had those moments in which you stop and wonder what is going on with the world around you and in you? You try to grasp any external, rational explanation. It’s the astrology, it’s the Planet’s vibe, it’s this or that. Well, these next 2 weeks you’ll kinda be this way.
After a clearing out (and yes, a very karmic) end of 2023 and start of 2024, with the new energies of the Year of the Dragon we are definitely stepping into the unknown.
Pluto, the massive planet of death and rebirth has changed her energy and she stepped into the mental, airy Aquarius in late January. Many of us are feeling these new seeds of rebirth, but they feel a bit strange, like we can’t really see their form, grasp them, integrate them.
Wellllll, my dear women, these next weeks are the best time to get the right idea about what’s to come for the next 20 years. Mars and Venus will meet this week in the skies with Pluto, one after another just to meet again, this time one with another on February 23rd/24th.
It’s like the feminine energies (Venus) and masculine energies (Mars) within us and in the world are getting a purge, a filtering of some kind for the year ahead.
Then, the cosmic forces will entangle both planets to recreate the perfect, and thus new, yin and yang dance. I know, it sounds poetic, but it will be hard. As many of us get more and more awakened and connected with the higher skies, what’s up there will be felt here, on earth, right in our everyday lives. Whether we like it or now, whether we believe it or not, we are not alone in the Cosmos, completely free to roam around and play on a field that we are in full control.
This year will be the awakening of the dragon within us. A time of courage and initiative to get our share of healing and life changing decisions into place.
What can you do to go through these weeks easier?
Get a consultation with your/an astrologer and let him/her counsel you on energy management.
Journal your thoughts daily and see what are the patterns that come up. Writing early in the morning is the most efficient way to get those anxieties off our head and onto our immediate awareness. Reach our to your therapist if you have one, support is needed and don’t be afraid to ask for it.
Try to be more mindful with what you eat and how you move during these next days. We often associate comfort food with carbs, pizza, sweets, alcohol. It’s the other way around, give your body clean nutrients, reduce sweets and cut alcohol, try to get your 8-9 hours of rest (women need it more than men due to our hormonal cycles, plus it’s wintery so we sleep just like nature) and hydrate. Go for a walk or do a yoga session, try not to sweat or push your adrenal glands too much in the gym, it’s not the time now for body stress. Maybe even replace caffeine with herbal tea for a while.
Explore with your creativity a bit. Listen to new music, dance in your home, paint, sing or create a new recipe, write your tears away in your journal. Creativity will open your heart and make things easier to understand, feel, clean, transmute.
Reach out. To your family, friends, groups or communities of support. Together it’s always easier. We are all mirrors of light and dark for others.
Remember that what’s felt as hard for now it’s the real place you need to dig deep and clear out. You can see these weeks as distructive or you can see them as illuminating your path towards making peace with your shadow (Pluto) and get at peace with yourself and in your life. You are loved, you are cared for, you matter. And you have all the time in the world to do what you want. For the time now, just be where you are. Put your left hand on your heart and breathe. Isn’t it marvellous to be alive?
As always I am here to guide you on this path, so reach out if you need support!
Until next week, stay safe, stay open! Thank you for being here. Women Are Healing.