
I must admit, I wanted to write about judgement and how this year is gently inviting us to release and let go, accept and forgive while forging a better cycle for ourselves. Away from all the prejudice and criticism we fuel our lives and relationships.

But as it always happens, another topic stole my attention and took over this newsletter. Just as the year began, almost all my closest people are experiencing a slower pace. Whether they like it or not, even the astrology of 2025 is advising us to cool off, calm down and breathe before starting the journey. Delayed projects, put-on-hold-relationships, inner tension and lack of energy to do most of the daily work.

But this is quite a normal pace for this time of the year.

As I always say, January is more like a transition month, a transient couple of weeks to take advantage of, before initiating greater, newer endeavours. This is why maybe a lot of people are always struggling with these weeks just after the Xmas and Western New Year’s Eve. We expect too much, too soon, too fast. We define ourselves through the rapid pace, not by the calmness and grounding of our movements and choices. Slow has become synonym with weak or poor. Taking fewer jobs and giving yourself a break from always being the best has never been more condemned by the culture of productivity and efficiency.

But Nature and Earth has a different rhythm and definitely a soul of her own. And this year we’re not invited, but tied up until end of April to experience what slow means for our lives, wellbeing, maturity of choices, relationships and projects. Mars Retrograde will be followed by Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. Almost all the personal planets will put pressure on us to calm down, reconsider and change innerly.

We are starting 2025 on a retrograde mood.

What it means is that we need to take our foot off the acceleration pedal and wait a bit. Wait to see the first whispers of the year. On a political, economic, philosophic but also spiritual level. Inform from reliable sources, dig a bit deeper into what is estimated for 2025, what are the forces behind this realignment on a Global level. And remember, everything is actually guided by energy and spirituality. You can connect with that part of you that is your Soul calling and intuitive place.

It’s not a coincidence that the planet of action and initiation, Mars, is retrograde since early December going (apparently) backwards until the end of February in the sign of Cancer. There is this incredible need to go inward and connect with what makes us nurtured, sure, at peace. The mother’s caring nature and the care with which we are feeding our lives. This process needs silence and peace. Not action or discombobulation.

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There are big shifts happening right now. All over the world, the chaos that swallowed the end of 2024 is silencing our most active drives. The Trumps are taking over the US again and with them, a new wave is spreading across companies, nations and individuals. Political regimes are changing abruptly all over the world and people are beginning to say and show what they need. Something like an inner volcano is deeply moaning in the collective conscience. Different in language and behaviours, identities, but united in the need for change and revolution.

These are the months we need to build something higher in our conscience. So these months, with all their blockages are deeply needed. Whether you believe me or have the patience to read this through, you need to stop. Breather. Reflect. Do what’s necessary, not what’s extra. Listen, reflect, project. If you act in an opposite manner, you might experience unwanted and frustrating delays, closed doors.

You might experience low energy levels now, the need for constant emotional reassurance or the inability to make stir decisions unless we feel 200% secure, abandonment issues or playing the victim in some ways in our relationships. Tension might build up if we are not careful and backfire energetically at the expense of our loved ones. We might feel weak or too vulnerable which might also attract defensiveness in relations. The seat of emotions is now troubled by the energies of every moment in which we chose against our better judgement or needs. Yes, these might be extremely heavy times.

But what do we do with this?

As always, here are some prompts you might use. Take this time to:

  • Get settled in your own life, I am sure the end of 2024 was not far from being hectic. What do you need to purify, cleanse and rearrange?

  • Reprioritise what is a must versus what can be planned and launched later in the year.

  • Get more quality time at home, with your relatives, connect with your parents more gently and build that inner mother within you.

  • Move your body gently in any ways you like. Sanity walks, yoga, stretching, dancing. I would advise especially women to opt for less cortisol or muscle training and slower, lighter forms of movement. Your choice is nevertheless your own.

  • Sleep as much as you can. Prioritise quality sleep before 12 AM so your bodily functions can regenerate accordingly.

  • Look deeper at your inner traits of masculine versus feminine and how they are entangled while working together. Maybe it’s time your masculine served the feminine more by respecting her needs and rhythm.

  • Visit your local sauna maybe once per week. Sauna has incredibly good results with mental health and it’s been proved through many studies.

  • Take care of your microbiome and eat as diversely as possible. Reduce inflammation by taking out sugar, carbs and seed oils. Practice intermittent fast. Eat at home and warm food, as much as you can, you will notice the difference immediately in your mood. Probiotics, Omega 3, Magnesium and D3 are the essentials for your starting the year kit.

  • Reduce caffeine as it induces more anxiety and frankly it distorts your idea of how much stuff you can do daily. Since I quit coffee, my pace has become gentler and my work more focused.

  • Talk better to yourself. I use daily expressions like: “I give myself the peace I need”; “I am already doing the best I can do”; “I am my best friend”. If you are respecting the words you say to yourself, you are respecting your needs.

  • Revel into the Planetary Sky of January 21st to 25th. No less that 6 planets are now beginning their somewhat aparent alignment in the night sky, four of them visible to the naked eye. According to BBC, “There is an imaginary line that the path of the Sun traces across the daytime sky, and this is known as the 'ecliptic'.

    The ecliptic is due to the fact that Earth and all the other Solar System planets formed out of the same flat disc of gas and dust that once surrounded our infant Sun. This means the planets in the Solar System all occupy roughly the same orbital plane – Earth included – and therefore all more or less follow the line of the ecliptic in the sky. So, when multiple planets are visible in the sky, they'll located be roughly along this line.” It’s not a unique phenomenon, like the Internet said, but a very common experience that happens annually. Nevertheless, it is still a beautiful thing to watch.

We are entering in the season of Aquarius tomorrow and a New Moon is waiting for us at the crossroads of the New Chinese Year. As always, I am here to guide you so be sure to send this newsletter to your friends as well.

But for now, rest your wings, honey. They will need this time to fly to newer realms once this time is over.




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